Enrolment options


Course description:

Students will explore the interrelationships between global supply chains, logistics operations, society, and the environment.


This course provides a practical, management perspective of the following areas of logistics: distribution, transportation, international logistics, inventory control, sustainable logistics practices, key performance indicators, supply chain finance, leadership in a supply chain role, and an introduction to logistics technology including RFID and ERP systems.


The course is designed for students who have had little or no previous coursework or professional experience in logistics.


Link to the program intended learning outcomes

Knowledge (I.L.O n° 1)

Upon completion of the program, students will demonstrate understanding of the accurate tools to develop and manage an international business.


International perspective (I.L.O n° 4)

Students will understand the specified discipline from a global perspective.


Understanding of the business world (I.L.O n° 5)

Students will be able to understand business practices and related concepts and be able to integrate this functional knowledge in order to address business problems.


Awareness of the broader trends in society (e.g. social responsibility) (I.L.O n°6)

Students will be able to demonstrate awareness of ethical and social responsibility issues.


Course intended learning outcomes:

·       To master international transportation mechanisms, legal rules and responsibilities

·       To implement an international logistics operation

·       To master the different techniques and regulations in international logistics

·       to gain a multi-faceted perspective on the global dimensions of today’s business operations through understanding how modern, global supply chains and logistics networks operate.

·       to understand the multi-disciplinary facets of how a global supply chain can be viewed, analyzed, and operated.


Course content






Session 1

M. Fernandez


International logistics strategies



Session 2

M. Fernandez

The stakeholders of international operations




Session 3

M. Fernandez

In- depth study of the different types of transport





Session 4

Prof. Angel-Ferrero

Introduction to Supply Chain Management

Issues in Supply Chain Strategy




Session 5

Prof. Angel-Ferrero

KPI and supply chain finance

Information Technology and Logistics



Session 6

Prof. Angel-Ferrero


Green Logistics





Assessment methods



Type of assessment




Group Case Studies





Final exam






Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Mangan, Lalwani, & Butcher. First Edition,2008


Le transport (Foucher) ; Exporter (Fouchet) ; Livret guide assurance en transport (Ed l’assurance française),  Lamy transport (Ed Lamy).


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