
The aim of this module is to provide a solid background in human genetics, focusing on the molecular aspects and mechanisms of diseases and addressing risk factors and new strategies for treating these diseases.

Classes are taught by teachers and researchers from both the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science, as basic and medical research are equally important in understanding and developing treatments for inherited diseases.


The program includes important basic concepts of genome organization and different levels of gene regulation, but also key concepts of human population genetics that play an important role as risk factors. Concrete examples help to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in monogenic or multifactorial diseases. The course also addresses newly available technological tools (pangenomic techniques, high throughput genotyping…) allowing major advances in this field. Finally, the module provides an overview of impact of this research on medical practice through the development of cell therapy, gene therapy and pharmacogenomics.

The involvement of physicians, scientists and researchers specialized in human genetics helps to understand these diseases from different points of view.


The module includes tutorials where publications are analysed, to develop scientific reasoning and practice critical thinking in genetics.

Lectures : 31,5h (21 sessions), Tutorials : 10,5h (7 sessions) and personal work.