Welcome to DIP FLOW (say it as "deep flow" ;-) )

This track offers lectures, labs and projects around three topics: 1) the transformation of measures from our environment to signal and then to data; 2) the storage of this data ; 3) the processing of this data by systems and programs to monitor it, infer semantic information from it, eg. allowing to drive robots.

First sessions will concentrate on signal (acquisition, measure, filter, processing). Then you'll explore systems that handle the information digitally (operating systems storing and managing the information, building on information in programs, transmitting information to the Internet — IoT and web apps). On a wider scope, information becomes data, and you will discover in the last part of this track the basics of Data Science: innovative ways of storing data, mining data to extract meanings or intentions by machine learning and artificial intelligence methods in general.

To illustrate the concepts explored during lectures and labs, our schedule includes two visits at nearby organizations and companies. Courses will be given at Polytech Montpellier, safe for one day hosted by the local antenna of IBM corp.

Assessment: mix of reports to handle at the end of some lab sessions plus an hand-written exam.