import numpy as np # to plot the surface from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def phi(x,t): """ compute some value for for x and t which must be 1D array each """ result = np.empty( [t.size,x.size] ) L = x[-1] for it in range(t.size): result[it,:] = x*(L-x) * (1-it/t.size) return result # setting some data L = 3. Nx = 51 Tmax = 3600. Nt = 361 # discretize bar of length L along x list_x = np.linspace(0.,L,Nx) # discretize time list_t = np.linspace(0.,Tmax,Nt) # compute phi for all values in list_x phi_list = phi(list_x, list_t) print(f"shape of phi : {phi_list.shape}") print(f"shape of x : {list_x.shape}") print(f"shape of t : {list_t.shape}") X, T = np.meshgrid(list_x, list_t) print(f"shape of X : {X.shape}") print(f"shape of T : {T.shape}") # plot the surface fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X,T, phi_list)