
0. Project Mgnt Section Syllabus.pdf0. Project Mgnt Section Syllabus.pdf

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to determine how best to plan the execution of a project scope, determine who are the stakeholders, steering committee, and sponsors; manage budget and schedule constraints, use different management methodologies and organization, establish the performance measurement baseline. They will also discover keys to identify potential risks in cost, scope, and schedule overruns; master the tools and techniques to compare actual work accomplished against established plans, as well as work accomplished against actual expenditures. They will be introduced to the effects of Agile methodologies on Project Management and the use of Project Phases to manage and execute projects. By identifying early warning indicators, students will gain greater insight into potential risk areas and take the necessary corrective action to keep the project in control. An exam covering the contents of the course will be provided to be administered at a later time in concert with the University's evaluation schedule.

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