Options d’inscription

It proposes a step by step method to covers all the key steps that are needed to properly start and conduct an interpretation project in a sedimentary basin, both onshore and offshore.

One of the main objectives of the course is to gain an intuitive understanding of the kinds of seismic features that can be identified in 3D seismic data. At the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in 3D seismic interpretation principles and workflows. They will be able to plan, QC & execute an interpretation project, avoiding the most common pitfalls. It will also give a practical hand-on use of the main industrial software tool for interpretation. The students will generate a first evaluation of the reservoir potential.

The course uses a mixture of lectures, practical exercises and case histories that will be embedded during the course process. The students will work on a personal project in order to give a first evaluation.

 Acquired skills:

> Understand the seismic process, interpret seismic sections, develop a geologic model, and prepare maps;

> Relate the subsurface stratigraphy to well data;

> Use attributes to enhance subtle faults and folds, as lithologic indicators;

> Identify different structural styles from seismic data (sedimentology vs tectonism relations);

> Evaluate and exploit attribute expressions for different depositional environments;

> Identify geological features highlighted by attributes;

> Generate a first quicklook evaluation of the reservoir potential;


Designed for Geologists, geophysicists and engineers who want to use seismic data for exploration and basin analysis. Familiarity with geological terminology will be helpful, typically designed for Master degrees in geosciences.
